EtoileWildMenus provides applications with horizontal menu display which plugs into the EtoileMenuServer looks. After compilation, put it into the GSAppKitUserBundles defaults array (or run with -GSAppKitUserBundles argument, you know the story...).
EtoileBehavior is registered as an AppKit bundle when you run script, then it is automatically injected in any AppKit-based applications when they are launched. EtoileBehavior includes currently the client part of the protocol that makes log out possible since GNUstep doesn't include anything by default to do this.
Author: | Quentin Mathe, Yen-Ju Chen, Steve Dekorte |
Copyright: | BSD license. Original license of Io language is BSD license, too. |
Version: | 0.1.2 |
Io (GNUstep) is a module which provides Io language support in a convenient way for GNUstep developers or users (linking Objective-C bridge by default). The module is automatically built in various ready to use solutions:
- ioobjc (tool you can run in your shell to use Io interactive environment)
To know more about Io in Etoile
Author: | Buenther Noack |
License: | LGPL license (see COPYING document) |
Version: | 0.6.1 |
RSSKit is a simple library for reading the different types of RSS file formats. It is mainly used by and will hopefully soon be used by PlopFolio by Ludovic Marcotte.
ServicesBarKit intends to provide an area where various menu applets are directly available, they may be added or removed by the user. Finally this place where menu applets would be embedded, has the possibility to host WildMenus Macintosh menu bar.
Maintainer: | Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx at gmail dot com> |
Authors: | Yen-Ju Chen, Quentin Mathe |
License: | Apache License 2.0 |
Version: | 0.1 |
Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search.
This is a GNUstep port of Lucene <>.
To know more about LuceneKit: <>
Copyright: | 2003 by Björn Giesler <> |
License: | GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL); See COPYING.LIB |
This package constitutes a personal address manager for the GNUstep software system. It allows archiving complete personal contact information, organizing contacts in groups, integration with other software such as mail clients and sharing address information with other users over the network.
Maintainer: | Quentin Mathe <> |
Authors: | James Duncan Davidson, Nicolas Roard, Quentin Mathe |
License: | Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE document) |
Version: | 1.1 |
This is a port of the UnitKit test framework on GNUstep. GNUstep is a free software implementation of the OpenStep specifications and is available on <>
To know more about UnitKit
Author: | Stefan Kleine Stegemann |
PopplerKit is a GNUstep/Cocoa framework for accessing and rendering PDF content. It is based on the poppler library which itself based on the xpdf codebase.
Note that not all features are implemented by now.
Author: | Yen-Ju Chen |
Copyright: | BSD License |
XWindowServerKit provides access to x window system. It allows GNUstep to integrate better with x window system.
Maintainers: | Quentin Mathe <>, Uli Kusterer |
Authors: | Uli Kusterer, Nicolas Roard, Quentin Mathe |
Version: | 0.1 |
This framework is used to create icons using different elements. It helps keeping consistency accross a set of icons (for example, using the same background..) and permit to easily create icons "families".
To know more about IconKit: <>
Maintainer: | Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx at gmail dot com> |
License: | LGPL as Addresses for GNUstep. |
Version: | 0.1 |
CollectionKit provides a common storage facility for records with properties, such as contact information, playlist, bookmark, etc. These records have defined structure (property-value relationship) which can be handled better than general property list. But values of these properties are too flexible to be stored in database, for example, a contact information may have multipe home phone numbers. Records can be grouped and groups can have groups inside. AddressBook framework from Apple provides a good machenism of handling these kind of records and Addresses for GNUstep implements the same interface. CollectionKit aims to provide a general storage facility based on Addresses for GNUstep so that other applications and frameworks can easily handle their information in the same manner. CollectionKit provide very little pre-defined properties. Therefore, a framework on top of CollectionKit is needed if the information is intended to be shared by many applications.
CollectionKit is based on Addresses for GNUStep made by Bjoern Giesler <>. Therefore, it uses LGPL as Addresses for GNUstep.
Maintainer: | Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx at gmail dot com> |
Author: | Yen-Ju Chen |
License: | BSD License (see COPYING document). |
Version: | 1.2 |
OgreKit is a regular expression library written in Objective-C in Cocoa. It uses OniGuruma as regular expression engine.
This is a GNUstep fork of OgreKit 2.1.2 <>. Since it is a fork, the API may differ in the future.
To know more about OgreKit: <>
Maintainer: | Quentin Mathe <> |
Author: | Quentin Mathe |
License: | LGPL license (see COPYING document) |
Version: | 0.1 |
SystemConfig is a framework which provides various a common way to set system specific preferences by interfacing with the host system. Host system means the following combo:
- operating sytem
- additional abstraction support (sound, network etc.)
- display/window server
Versatile and flexible devices support is often done through an extra abstraction layer/library on top of the kernel. This is what 'additional abstraction support' means. GNOME System tools backend is an example of such library that allows to set various settings (like network related ones) without having to pay attention on which operating system Etoile is used.
To know more about SystemConfig: <>
This framework is a simple parser and exporter for OPML files. The main classes in this framework are OPMLDocument and OPMLOutline. OPML is a file format used to store all kinds of outlines. It's based on XML and also usually stores some meta information. This includes author and creation time information and a document title. OPML also allows to store the window position of the outline view. As I think this is completely unnecessary in most cases, this has not been implemented. If you need this particular feature, ask me.
It provides a basic storage for shared bookmarks. It can be used for web browser bookmark, recently opened documents, etc. It is based on CollectionKit.
BookmarkKit has a basic assumption: it has a hierarchical structure. A bookmark or a group can only exist under a group. In another word, an item or a group can has a parent or none. Therefore, bookmark can be displayed in NSOutlineView.
This framework contains various Ãtoilé related extensions.
Thie framework contains various Etoile related extensions.
UKDistributedView and UKFinderIconCell provides a very flexible icon view. More precisely, UKDistributedView is an NSTableView-like class that allows arbitrary positioning of evenly-sized items. This is intended for things like the Workspace/Finder's "icon view", and even lets you snap items to a grid in various ways, reorder them etc. Finally it can handle several thousand of items smoothly.
Maintainer: | Quentin Mathe <> |
Author: | Uli Kusterer, Quentin Mathe, Yen-Ju Chen |
License: | LGPL license (see COPYING document). |
License: | Original licence of GSSystemPreferences is LGPL License too. |
Version: | 0.2 |
PaneKit is a framework which provides various features to build flexible pane window in any GNUstep or Cocoa applications. PKPanesController controls the main user interface and several presentations are available. Panes can be build in bundle of Nib or programmingly. They are registered in PKPaneRegistry and displayed by PKPanesController.
PKPreferencesController and PKPreferencesPaneRegistry are designed to handle preferences. It includes an NSPreferencePane implementation (following Cocoa API).
It is based on GSSystemPreferences code written by Uli Kusterer.
To know more about PaneKit: <>
Author: | Yen-Ju Chen <yjchenx gmail> |
License: | MPlayerInterface is under GPL. The rest is under LGPL. |
MultimediaKit provides common backend engine to play multimedia stream. Currently, it supports mplayer backend based on MPlayerOSX.
MPlayer and MPlyaerOSX: MPlyaerPort:
This directory contains a set of classes which provide a better interface to POSIX threading routines than the standard NSThread. The GNUmakefile will, on GNUstep platforms, compile the example tool and the documentation. The Makefile will compile the example tool (but not the documentation) on Mac OS X.